Thursday, March 10, 2011

Guide to Garage Floor Paints

Just ran across Garage Floor Paint and ran the review. It made a lot of sense in the fact that if you want to change to appearance of your garage floor a simple way to do that is paint it. You are not going to use the typical paint you find at your local paint store, instead they use epoxy paint.

If you follow a couple of the links on the site you will find some really cool ideas for your garage floor. It kind of reminded me of our kitchen counter tops. You can truly turn your garage floor into some marble-E looking conversation piece. Not sure how hard it would be to create something like that but if you follow the directions (clean floor, sweep, lay primer, lay first coat, add the second coat and seal) it can't be to hard. Not sure how it will look but they claim no two floors will ever look the same.

Home Depot or Lowes carry epoxy floor paint but you can also find it at Amazon. Best Garage Floor Tiles also gives you a couple of links to specific products you can purchase online.

If you don't do anything else, go look at those pictures those floors they are remarkable.

Also, one thing to remember a painted garage floor will not stop water puddles or snow melt. You will still need a garage floor mat. These containment mats will keep the water away from your walkway enabling you to walk freely without worry of slipping or falling down.