Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Garage Floor Snow Mats Stop Water Dead In It's Tracks

Garage Floor Snow Mats

My email inbox has been filled these past 3 weeks because everyone wants to know where they can get the best garage floor snow mats. As you can imagine we are jumping for joy but at the same time a lot of people are looking for the cheapest snow mats and that is probably not the best way to shop for them.

Your Garage Floor Needs Durable Snow Mats

A lot of people who are asking for snow mats need an added layer of protection because they painted their garage floors this summer. What they didn't realize is their beautiful epoxy floors are starting to show scratch marks because the studded tires slip, slide and skid across the floor. All their efforts are going down the drain and they want protection. As you can imagine they need to determine if they want floor protection or true snow containment mats.

What Are Snow Containment Mats

The word containment means to keep things within. Snow will attach to your car but that is not the only problem. The other problems are the mud, sludge, rocks and ice will be part of the snow that is behind each tire. When you park the car the snow starts to melt and it forms puddles on the floor. If you have an epoxy painted garage floor that means you are bound to have safety issues when you walk to your car. To avoid these puddles that can freeze and create a ice rink, you need a containment mat that will not only protect your garage floor, but also keep the water away from foot traffic and eliminate your safety issues.

What Should I Do?

Well that depends on your overall goal. Do you want protection, do you want containment or do you want a combination of the two? Once you decide which way you want to go then we can determine what garage floor mat will work the best for you. There are also rubber mats that are excellent at protecting the floor but they don't do diddly for containment. However, at best garage floor mats you will find exactly what you need. Stop by and check the site out and learn which mat will work best for you. The link is in the first paragraph. While you are at it, they give you prices and years of guarantee so you can compare directly on the site.

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